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In the following videos, you’ll see how to install Sensefuel, in a few clicks, on your website. You’ll realize that search becomes immersive and instant. You’ll understand how our search engine individualizes search results. Likewise, you’ll discover our back-office and see, among others, how to configure a Look & Feel compliant to your colours or driving your business performance.

Découvrez la « shopping expérience » Sensefuel

Discover Sensefuel’s Shopping Experience

Un moteur intelligent auto-apprenant et individualisant les résultats

Individualization, how it works?

Installation simple et rapide sur votre site

Quick and easy installation

Gardez la main !

E-merchandiser: keep control

Libérez la parole de vos clients

Free the word of your customers!

Un look and feel configurable à vos couleurs

Create a look&feel that match your colors

Pilotez votre performance

Steer your performance

[E-book] “What’s happening in e-commerce search?”

Search function is the 1st lever of performance for Sensefuel’s clients. But its characteristics varies according to their retail trade segment.

Through 7 KPIs, Sensefuel proceed to an analysis of differencies and similarities on different retail segment. To realize this comparative analysis, Sensefuel calculated and aggregated these KPIs from his customer base, from june to september 2020. You’ll find undoubtedly, with these indicators, useful insights for your retailer context.
